SVO Quality Solutions

971 58 553 8700

Our Terms

Terms of Participation

General Provisions

Subject to change

1.1   This provides a summary of the main rules necessary for the preparation, control of execution and organization of work required.
1.2   The purpose of tenders is to select the best supplier of goods, equipment, works and services – one that best fit the needs of the Company.
1.3   Definitions: Tender – a commercial tender for supply of goods or equipment, performing works, providing services – where the winner is the person who offers the best conditions. Tender Documentation – is a set of documents containing information on technical, organisational and commercial matters of the tender and the supply of goods or equipment, performance of works and provision of services. Tender Documentation is developed by the initiator of the request and distributed to possible bidders. Open tender – is a competition to which all interested firms and organisations are invited. Information regarding the tender shall be published on the Ariba e-Procurement Portal on the Internet. Closed tender – is a closed competition in which a limited number of firms and organisations are invited to participate – identified and qualified in advance. A notice of a closed tender shall not be published, invitations to participate shall be sent individually.
Attention: please note that the requirements below may change, so be sure to contact us at to get the latest terms and conditions

Formation of the Tender Committee

A Tender Committee shall be set up per individual tender, this committee consists of the following participants:
-a procurement manager who carries out independent research, adapts the requirements of the Tender Documentation and carries out the selection of suppliers;
-two employees from the applicant’s side (Tenderer) who are responsible for project management and execution (point of contact project manager and department head);
-If necessary, employees of the HSE or legal department shall be invited to participate as decided by the Tender Committee.

Notice of Tender

  A tender notice can either be posted on Ariba’s electronic procurement portal or sent directly to the prospective Tenderers.
The following information shall be included in the notice:
-Report indicating type of goods and description of equipment, quantity of supplied goods, place of supply, and scope of work and services to be rendered;
Requirements to the Tenderers who applied for participation in the tender:
-Only contractors with experience in supplying goods or equipment, performing work and rendering services required for the tender make take part in the competition;
-Compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regarding individual or corporate entities engaged in supply of goods, performance of services subject to the tender, and otherwise absence of ethical or financial liabilities.

Elaboration of documents

Tender Documentation shall be developed depending on the subject matter of the tender within the period specified in the Tender Procedure.
Tender Documentation shall contain the following information:
– Descriptions of supplied goods, their functional characteristics, anticipated work and rendered services. Additionally, the document shall contain quality, technical and safety requirements among others (properties of goods, size, packaging, shipment of goods, and other related determination of compliance of supplied goods);
-Procedure of price discovery and price formation, including with or without taking into account expenses on transportation, insurance, customs duties, taxes and other obligatory payments;
– Information on the currency used to form the price of the contract and settlements with suppliers (executors, contractors);
– The procedure for applying (if necessary) the official exchange rate of the foreign currency to the Russian rouble, established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and used when paying for the concluded contract;
The application form for the tender of previously unqualified suppliers shall contain the following list of information:
– Articles of Association;
– Certificate of incorporation of the legal entity;
– Tax registration certificate;
– Bank details (name and address of the bank, number of the Tenderer’s bank account, telephone numbers of the bank, other bank details);
– Surname, first name and patronymic of responsible person of the bidder with position and contact telephone number;
– Commercial offer – proposal of functional characteristics (consumer properties) and quality characteristics of goods or equipment, quality of works, services, and other proposals on the terms of the contract, including proposals on the contract price;
– Documents or copies of documents confirming Tenderer’s compliance with the established requirements and conditions of admission to participate in the tender.

Submission of tendering applications

To participate in the tender, a Tenderer shall submit a tender application in a free form by the deadline prescribed in the invitation to tender. Tender proposals (bids) received after the deadline and submitted in a manner different from that specified shall not be accepted for consideration.
Bidder shall submit tender application through ARIBA electronic portal or electronic mailbox of authorized representative of the Company.
The start and end dates for submitting the bids are indicated in the notification and set in the ARIBA system.
A bidder may submit only one application for participation in the tender in respect of each tender subject.
Acceptance of tenders shall be terminated at the time specified by the Company.
If only one tender application has been submitted by the deadline, this application shall be considered in accordance with the requirements set out in the Tender Documentation.
If no tender has been submitted, the tender shall be deemed to have failed.

Procedure for examination, evaluation and comparison of tenders

The Tender Committee shall examine the tender applications in accordance with the requirements laid down in these Regulations.
The period of review of tender applications shall not exceed 10 working days.
Based on the results of consideration of applications for participation in the tender, the Tender Committee shall take a decision on admission of the Tenderer to the tender and make a decision on recognition or refusal of admission of the Tenderer to participate in the tender.
Denial of admission to participation shall be made in the following cases:
– Failure to submit certain documents or presence of inaccurate information about the Tenderer or about goods, works, services, respectively, for the supply, performance, rendering of which the tender is being placed;
– Failure to meet the requirements for bidders;
– Non-compliance of the application for participation in the tender with the requirements of the Technical Assignment;
If only one Tenderer submits an application for participation in the tender and is recognized as a Tenderer in the tender, such application shall be considered in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Tender Documentation.

Evaluation and comparison of tenders

The Tender Committee shall evaluate and compare the tenders submitted by the Tenderers. The term for evaluation and comparison of such applications shall not exceed the terms specified above.
Evaluation and comparison of applications for participation in the tender shall be carried out by the Tender Committee to identify the best conditions of the contract in accordance with the criteria and in the manner prescribed in the Tender Documentation.
To determine the best conditions of contract performance proposed in bids for participation in the tender, the Tender Committee shall evaluate and compare such bids according to the contract price and other criteria specified in the Tender Documentation.
In this case, the criteria for evaluation of bids for participation in the tender, in addition to the price of the tender, are:
– Functional characteristics (consumer properties) or qualitative characteristics of the goods, quality of works, services;
– Expenses on operation of the goods;
– Costs of maintenance;
– Terms (periods) of supply of goods, execution of works, rendering of services;
– Scope of provision of quality guarantee of the goods, works, services;
– Qualification of Tenderers of the tender, if such criterion is provided for in the Tender Documentation;
– Terms of payment for the goods, works and services;
– Acceptance of the terms of the contract of the Company, if it is attached to the Tender Documentation;
The winning bidder shall be the bidder who offers the best terms of the contract.
Tenderers shall be notified of the results of the tender within three days from the date of the Tender Committee’s decision to determine the winner. The Company shall have the right not to disclose the winner’s name and details of the bid.
The responsible persons of the Tenderer staff shall conclude Contracts/Additional Agreements/Applications to Contracts with the winning companies no later than 90 (ninety) calendar days from the end of the tender, as determined.
The Contract shall be concluded for a period of 1 year at a fixed price according to the tender conditions, or for the period necessary for the performance of works or services, delivery of goods.

Specifics of a closed tender

When conducting a closed tender, the provisions of an open tender shall apply. Invitations to participate in a closed tender shall be sent through the Ariba portal or in writing to persons who meet the requirements of the subject matter of the tender and are able to supply goods, perform work or render services that are the subject matter of the tender. Such invitations shall contain the information stipulated in the invitation to tender.
The evaluation of bids may take place prior to the date specified in the Tender Documentation.


Exceptions to these Regulations are:
– Procurement of petroleum products and fuel additives;
– Purchases of goods, equipment and services purchased by the Company under corporate agreements entered into by Couch Tard Brand Financing;
– Purchases of services or goods (equipment) from a single or unique supplier, urgent and emergency purchases. In this case, a Bid waiver is issued explaining the situation and the need for such a purchase.

Accredited Since

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Accredited Since 2010

For the full terms and conditions contact our supply department.